Monday, August 16, 2010

Rescued and in Need of a Home

Phoenix alum Mary Pat and Roger Pepping have rescued four amazing adult cats from a harsh and uncertain life in an alley. However, Fluffy, their original cat, doesn't like her new housemates, so Lily, Lucy, Misty, and Monty (the only male) need a loving home so Fluffy doesn't have the stress of sharing Rog and Mary Pat!
All are spayed/neutered. Lily is a small, sweet, shy young lady who probably can do well on her own, although she gets along with the others. Lucy is an orange and white youngster (about a year old) who is playful and friendly. Misty is a white, mature female who also is loving and social. Monty is a
gorgeous light cream-colored tabby with white markings. The three girls are short-haired, and Monty is medium. They get along well together, but two of the girls are very close and probably should be in the same home.
If you can help, or for more information, please contact Mary Pat ASAP. They are in Tempe, near ASU. Although their house is filled with love, it is overflowing with five cats!