Sunday, August 5, 2012

Help Develop the Future of Delta Zeta's Sisterhood

Ladies,  the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter has numerous opportunities to be involved with our Pi Zeta sisters this fall. Please let Ann Santos know right away if you will help with any of these activities for the 80 or so new members:

  1. Breakfast the morning of new-member retreat (Sept. 15) at 7:30 am at Adelphi. This would just be something basic, like muffins, bagels or pastries before the girls get on the bus to leave for the weekend. Also we can provide snacks for the girls at the retreat.
  2. Dessert mixer after the new member meeting on Nov. 5. This will follow their lesson about alumnae engagement and the ritual of lamplighting.
  3. Second evening of lamplighting on ASU Old Main Lawn on Nov.7. Ritual will last about 30 minutes with the new member class and the actives. Parking available in the ASU Fulton Center parking garage

The goal with all 3 of these events is to improve the amount of engagement Pi Zeta new members have with the alumnae chapter to increase our relations and to show the value in lifetime membership for our ladies.