Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gina Kruckenberg (Delta Omega, Fort Hays State, Kan.): “At the end of 2009, we found ourselves at the beginning of one of the biggest adventures of our lives. We are starting a new ministry! In May 2009, my husband Brian earned a doctorate of ministry, and the whole family traveled to Minneapolis for his graduation. That was nice, but our 10-year anniversary trip to the Riviera May in October was a tad better. Trips to the Grand Canyon, Denver, and Kansas City also dotted our calendar. ” [In addition, the Kruckenbergs recently moved to a house in Phoenix's Willo district.]

Alicia Nowinsky (Pi Zeta, Arizona State University) reports her wedding plans are going well. “May 1 is just around the corner, and we all are getting really excited!”

Carol Sweeney (Epsilon Phi, University of Detroit): After spending Thanksgiving at home in Michigan, my husband and I headed to South Carolina to run a half marathon with family members on December 12 at beautiful Kiawah Island, near Charleston.

Marilyn Collins (Alpha Alpha, Northwestern): “Over the Christmas holidays, I took a cruise to the Western Caribbean on Holland America's
MS Maasdam. Too soon the cruise was over. But there is always next year!”

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