Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February Luncheon

Rain or shine, Phoenix alums are dedicated about attending our luncheons/meetings! On February 20th, about 30 alums and a few guests trekked to Marie Callender’s Restaurant in Mesa. The Valentine theme added a cheerful note to the tables. Lots of conversation took place, as we hadn’t met since early December. A candle ceremony announced a pregnancy and two engagements; very happy news!

Lorna Green (Alpha Beta) won the turtle planter, complete with miniroses and potting soil, that was donated by Deb Willey (Zeta Chi). Numerous other prizes included a darling “kissing” turtle salt and pepper set from Mary Pat Pepping.

Be sure to come to the next meeting, in April. But before that, we need your help with the taco-salad buffet for the Pi Zetas on March 22!

Wearing authentic pioneer garb, Shirley Weinreich speaks on “Sisters of Courage,” the women of the Oregon Trail.
Lorna Green and her new “friend,” a turtle planter donated by Deb Willey.

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