Friday, December 28, 2012

Success Story!


For the past couple of years, Deb Willey has organized a fund-raising project called "Finals Survival Kits." She contacted the parents of the Pi Zetas and offered them a choice of baskets of items that would help their daughters get through final exams. Proceeds benefit our annual scholarship for a graduating senior at the Phoenix Day School for the Deaf. Here is her message after this fall's effort:
* * * * * * * *

The Survival Kit fundraiser was a whopping success this year totally 
because of the following people to whom I wish to send my heartfelt 
thanks and gratitude. Seriously, your enormous donations made all of 
the difference. You are greatly appreciated!

Pat Wells
Mary Peterson
Millie Homan
Diane Stanton
Holly Carpenter
Nora Kabat
Pricilla Owens
Georgia Souris
Ann Santos
Pat Humke

Much Love, Deb Wiley