This year's Pi Zeta Taco Buffet will be held on March 26th at 5pm at ASU Adelphi Commons. We need your help with serving, supplies and cash donations! We also still need 6-7 helpers for serving that evening, keep in mind it's mucho fun! This even takes only about 2 hours if we have enough help!
Supplies needed:
- 3 large bags of shredded cheese
- 2 bags of shredded lettuce
- 3 large cans of diced tomatoes
- 4 large containers of sour cream
- 10 containers of guacamole
- 10 dozen baked brownies
- Paper products for 120: cups, plates, napkins and forks
Please call ASAP: Ann Haggerty. Also if you would like to volunteer to plan a fun, easy and fast activity for alums and collegians contact Ann Santos.