Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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On March 21st, several members of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter trekked to Adelphi Commons to host the annual "Taco Salad Buffet" for our Pi Zeta sisters. Ann Haggerty once again did a fantastic job of organizing the food! Other alums assisting were Cindy McParland, Barbara Gallaher, Mary Pat Pepping, Ann Santos, Sue Norman, Lee Ann Witt, Nicole Farr, and Gina Kruckenberg. These volunteers helped serve 85 Pi Zetas. The girls did a great job of helping with unloading food and supplies, finding parking, setting up, cleaning up, and reloading supplies into cars. As an activity, the Pi Zetas were invited to complete a questionnaire about the alums present. These were placed in a drawing for a turtle "pillow pet" and a darling stuffed turtle with matching tote bag! A big thanks to all the alums who donated $$$ and food, baked brownies, and attended the event.