Monday, February 28, 2011

Turtle Power!

Phoenix alums Millie Homan, Randie Boldra, Lee Ann Witt, Ann Santos, Deb Willey, and Gina Kruckenberg and several of our Pi Zeta sisters joined forces on February 26th to create "turtle pillows" for the Painted Turtle Camp, a California site for children with special needs. Pi Zeta provided a sub-sandwich lunch before we all got to work. Lee Ann, Randie, and Ann ran their sewing machines, while the Pi Zeta girls cut out "parts" and pressed them, and Millie, Gina, and Deb did an expert job of pinning! After figuring out some shortcuts, we finished 13 of the 26 in two hours: a successful joint philanthropy project the campers will really love.
Millie Homan displays a finished "turtle pillow," while Lee Ann Witt and Randie Boldra try to figure out a better and easier way to do it!
A weary group of pillow-makers shows off the finished product. Pillows not completed were taken home to sew another day. They will be stuffed at the camp. What a great joint effort by Phoenix alums and Pi Zeta girls!