Friday, December 3, 2010

You Just Never Know...

On November 24, my husband and I flew from Phoenix to Wisconsin to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my family. As we waited our turn to leave the plane in Milwaukee, I noticed an attractive young lady standing near her seat a few rows ahead of us. Then her black shoulder bag caught my eye, because it had shiny gemstones spelling out "Delta Zeta." I quite loudly exclaimed, "Delta Zeta??" When she looked my way and said yes, I gave her a thumbs-up and said, "Me too!" I asked what chapter she was in and she said she had just been initiated two weeks ago at ASU. She seemed surprised when I knew it was Pi Zeta. I asked if she had attended the ice-cream social the Phoenix alums had hosted a few weeks ago, but she had to miss it due to an evening class. I told her I was sure we'd see her at a future event. Just goes to show we should proudly wear something that proclaims our sorority because we never know when or where you'll run into a "sister!" I'm just sorry I didn't learn this new DZ's name.

Ann Santos