Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Update from Pat Wells

We had to cancel our Alaska cruise. I'm still being evaluated by the orthopedic doctor. Monday, the doctor noticed that the fracture has moved, and wasn't healing like it should. He said it was a coin toss whether to do surgery or not. His associates agreed. My choices were to have surgery right away, or to cast the ankle, have more X-Rays on Friday to see if there are any changes, then make the final decision on Friday regarding surgery. There is still some damage in that same ankle left from a sprain I had 10 years ago. The doctor could fix that at the same time if we decide on surgery. I decided to cast my ankle, see the doctor on Friday, and make the final decision at that time. I will be glad to have some decisions made and get on with whatever needs to be done!

I am getting really bored...not much on TV. I've read so many books, I'm getting tired of that, and I love to read!! My big event of the days seem to be doctor appointments followed by a trip to Starbucks to get some Chai Tea. That's not Ray's thing, but bless his heart, he knows I enjoy my chai tea, so we head to Starbucks after my appointments. I'm still stuck with my wheelchair, so my mobility is limited. Fortunately, I don't have any pain, more discomfort.

— Pat Wells (Gamma Lambda)