Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Note from Carol...

After having our electric power knocked out on 2 separate days (one being last Sat. even-early Sunday morning in southeast Michigan resulting in a tornado; the other for "who knows why"--it just shut off during the night!), I am back online. I have no idea what Detroit Edison is up to, whether it is moving brownouts or what, but what a pain. You think you are going to have access to electricity for your day's ventures, only to wake up in the morning and find the power went off while you slept!
We had no storm last night to create a problem (unlike last Sunday when the winds blew off part of the housing for the nuclear power plant in Monroe, Michigan, which supplies our power here in Northville), so it is anyone's guess as to why we were without lights today.
At home in Michigan,
Carol Sweeney (Epsilon Phi)