Monday, June 15, 2009

End of the Year Fiesta!

On May 16th, alumnae gathered at Aunt Chilada's for the year's final meeting. We enjoyed socializing, eating, and laughing together. Officers installed were Ann Santos (Zeta Chi), president; Mary Pat Pepping (Theta Rho), vice president; Pat Wells (Gamma Lambda), recording secretary; Lorna Green (Alpha Beta), treasurer; Karen Lange (Delta Mu), corresponding secretary; Arlis Legler (Zeta Upsilon), Panhellenic delegate; Sue Pickles (Gamma Lambda), Panhellenic alternate; and Erin Maher (Xi Lambda), Lamp editor/blog coordinator. Susan Norman (Zeta) performed the installation, based on each officer as an ingredient that together make a superior batch of cookies (i.e., our alum chapter)!

Photo Captions:

1. Susan Norman samples the wonderful Mexican-food buffet at Aunt Chilada's.

2. Officers installed at the May 16 meeting are (from left) Arlis Legler; Katie McCarthy (Beta Kappa), standing in for Erin Maher; Karen Lange, Mary Chandler (hidden, standing in for Pat Wells); Sue Pickles; Mary Pat Pepping; Sue Norman, installer; Lorna Green; and Ann Santos.

3. President Ann Santos presents an appreciation gift to Sue Pickles, the chapter's dedicated Panhellenic delegate for the past several years.

4. A special proclamation honors June Walthers (right), a frequent guest at alum meetings.

5. Annette Hebert (Iota Upsilon) signs a "prayer quilt" for Claudia Hosking, who unfortunately passed away on May 17th.